A heartfelt thank you to our funders and loyal supporters – without you, our vital work wouldn’t be possible.

National Orchestra for All musicians receive a round of applause from audience members at CBSO Centre, as Ambassador Tashan supports in hosting the event.

Orchestras for All funders

Funders are essential to the success of Orchestras for All, enabling us to bring the joy and power of ensemble music-making to young people facing significant barriers to participation.

Your funding allows us to deliver inclusive programmes like National Orchestra for All and Modulo, providing accessible opportunities that inspire confidence, creativity and collaboration.

By supporting us, you ensure that young musicians across the UK have the resources, training and support they need to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances. Together, we can create a world where every young person has the chance to experience the transformative impact of joining an ensemble.

Orchestras for All funders

  • Alchemy Foundation
  • Boshier-Hinton Foundation
  • Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust
  • Garfield Weston Foundation
  • Finzi Trust
  • Hakluyt
  • Hedley Foundation
  • The London Chorus
  • Queenswood School
  • Schroder Charity Trust
  • Scops Arts Trust
  • St James Quintet
  • Three Monkies Trust

Orchestras for All supporters

We are especially thankful for the leadership and extraordinary generosity of our Baton Circle members, Orchestra Friends, Section Friends and Musician Friends. We deeply appreciate your contributions, and your support resonates across every musical instrument. 

Thank you to the significant support received from James Abell, Robin Daniels, Emily Sayers, Philip Whalley and our anonymous donors. 

Thank you to our Friends and Supporters:

  • Amanda Hay
  • Jonathan Swire
  • Kate Danielson
  • Susanna Eastburn
  • Marianna Hay
  • Aoife Ni Luanaigh
  • Christine O'Brien
  • Fiona Orme
  • Charlotte Parkyn
  • Nick Thorne
  • Christopher Walter
  • Ewan Armstrong
  • Judy Aspinall
  • Douglas Bendall-Breen
  • Stuart Burns
  • Jonathan Cooke
  • Tony Grout
  • Heather Hudson
  • Katie Mackenzie Stuart
  • Nicola Meredith
  • Dave and Jan Peddie
  • Jessica Pollard
  • Jessica Jones
  • Mark Carey
  • Keith Wood
  • Luke Mayhew
  • Moja
  • Jane O'Neill
  • Ruth Keighly
  • Charlotte Ward-Perkins
  • Anne-Marie Virgo
  • Sir Iain Lobban
  • Jeremy Mavor

A kind-hearted gesture…

We would like to extend our thanks to Nigel at Dorset Pianos, who has kindly set up optional donations to Orchestras for All for his customers when they purchase pianos from his shop.

Nigel said: “To make a cooperative society rather than a competitive society, I believe we should all use our own personal skill-sets to give something free to our communities. Music has been shown to help improve people’s mental quality of life as well as academically.

“Children are just starting out on their life journey and enabling early access to a piano will enrich their lives. We are in a position to source, make good and store pianos for those who otherwise wouldn’t get a chance.”

Our promise to supporters

As a registered charity, we are so grateful for your support. In return, we promise that we will:

  • use your donation wisely in order to have the greatest impact on the lives of young musicians facing access to music-making across the UK;

  • store and manage your information responsibly and in accordance with Data Protection legislation;

  • update you on the progress of our work and the impact of your support, should you be happy to receive such information from us.

If you would like to discuss our fundraising work in more detail, please contact the Orchestras for All team at or on 0114 492 0222.