NOFA 2020-2022

What is National Orchestra for All?

National Orchestra for All (NOFA) is a unique, mixed-ability orchestra made up of 100 musicians aged 11-18 from across all four countries of the UK.

NOFA is the only non-auditioned national orchestra in the world. We don’t audition our members; instead, they are nominated to the orchestra by adults who can vouch for their commitment to music in the face of challenging circumstances and barriers to music-making.

We set high artistic standards for the orchestra and programme a season of innovative and exciting repertoire in partnership with leading artistic organisations from a range of genres, including BBC Philharmonic, Royal Academy of Music, National Youth Jazz Collective and One Dance UK.

“The thing I love so much about NOFA is that it’s for sharing the joy of music, for
giving the gift of playing in an orchestra to young people who wouldn't normally have
the opportunity. It is the most diverse, inclusive orchestra I have ever seen.”
— NOFA Ambassador, Elen

Who can take part?

NOFA is for young musicians...

  • Who have shown commitment to music in the face of barriers to music-making, and do not readily have access to ensemble music-making opportunities. We assess this using a nomination criteria as part of the nomination process (see below).

  • Who play any instrument (including traditionally non-orchestral instruments such as guitars, pianos, recorders or saxophones).

  • At all instrumental skill levels. NOFA members are pre-Grade 1-Grade 8 standard.

  • At all stages of notation-reading: All of our music is specially arranged for players to suit their notation reading level, from pre-grade 1 to 8 standard. Young musicians do not need to be strong readers of music to join.

  • Who are aged 11-18 from 1 September 2020. A place in NOFA lasts for two years, even if the member turns 19 during this time.

Nomination criteria

NOFA is both an arts organisation and a social change organisation. Our aim is to support dedicated young musicians who face some kind of barrier to participating in music. Nominees must fulfil Criteria 1 and Criteria 2 and at least one statement from Criteria 3 for NOFA membership as detailed below. It is very important to NOFA that we are able to reach students who will benefit most from the opportunities that membership in the orchestra offers.

Criteria 1:

Commitment to music and music-making in and/or out of school.

Criteria 2:

Sufficient emotional maturity to fully participate in a residential course. For many NOFA members, the courses are their first experience of staying away from home. We have an experienced pastoral staff team who support all members during the residentials, and we can put in place individual support plans including provision of one- to-one adults as long as we are informed of needs prior to the courses.

Criteria 3 – must fulfil at least one of the following:

  • Recipient of Free School Meals (FSM)

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMHD)

  • Learning Difficulty

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Physical Disability

  • Physical Health Condition

  • Mental Health Condition

  • Young Carer

  • In Care / Looked After

  • Refugee / Asylum Seeker

  • No Fixed Abode

  • English as an Additional Language (EAL)

  • Resident of Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) / Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) area / Wales Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) area / Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM) area

  • Resident of a Low Participation Neighbourhood

  • Student at Teach First Partner School / Attainment Challenge School

  • Late Start on an Instrument (began playing in year 7 or later)

  • Limited Accessible Local Music-Making

Who can nominate?

Anyone not related to the nominee who can vouch for:

  1. their commitment to music

  2. the barriers they face to accessing music-making opportunities.

  • Nominating adults could include teachers, youth workers, social workers, community leaders and any other adults who work regularly with a young person.

  • Nominating adults can nominate as many young people as they wish, but we can only give five places to young people from each nominating school/organisation.

  • We cannot accept nominations from the young person's parents/guardians or other family members.
    Before nominating, the nominating adult must obtain the consent of the young person's parent/guardian.

Planning to nominate a young musician? Scroll down for our handy Nominator Toolbox!

What does it cost?

Membership is free for NOFA members, including all travel and accommodation costs.

However, annual NOFA membership costs Orchestras for All £1500 per member, raised by our small staff team from a range of trusts, foundations, donors and fundraising events. To support with making the programme sustainable we ask nominating organisations whose nominees have been given a place in NOFA to consider donating up to £250 per place, a sixth of the overall cost of membership.

We appreciate that some organisations are unable to make a financial contribution. In previous years, some organisations have raised the money to contribute to NOFA places through raffles, coffee mornings and cake sales - and we're happy to help with creative suggestions to cover this donation.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions of concerns about this. You can email us on, or give us a call on 0207 267 4141

What’s happening at NOFA in 2020-2022?

This is an exciting moment for OFA as we mark our 10th anniversary! We are celebrating this important milestone with a special two-year NOFA Season called The Way We See It… where repertoire will be planned jointly between the OFA team and NOFA members to reflect the orchestra’s unique and evolving identity.

As well as revisiting NOFA’s favourite works from over the years, including Benjamin Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, performed at the inaugural NOFA concert in 2011, members will have the opportunity to create their own NOFA anthem, inspired by Britten’s piece and showcasing what makes NOFA unique. The season will be led by Guest Artistic Director Emma Oliver-Trend, who has worked with OFA for many years.

How will the two-year season work?

Year 1: Building the orchestra

NOFA rehearse, create new music and build connections between NOFA Members. Each course has a concert/sharing event open to family, friends and the public.

  • Three residential courses around the UK:

    • August 2020

    • November 2020 (split into Northern and Southern-UK residentials)

    • April 2021

Year 2: Celebration and progression

Showcasing NOFA members’ achievements and setting the scene for the next ten years of inclusive, inspiring music-making.

  • August 2021: residential, culminating in celebration concert

  • Autumn 2021-Summer 2022: at least two further ambitious, exciting and high-profile performance opportunities around the UK

Key dates

MONDAY 2 MARCH 2020, 12pm: Nomination deadline

END OF MARCH 2020: Provisional places given

MONDAY 30 MARCH 2020, 12pm: Parental consent forms deadline

END OF APRIL 2020: Full places given

4-7 AUGUST 2020: Summer Course 1

14-15 or 28-29 NOVEMBER: Winter Sessions

7-9 APRIL 2021: Spring Course

Last week JULY/First week AUGUST 2021 (dates TBC): Summer Course 2

SUMMER 2021 to SPRING 2022: Performance opportunities

‘NOFA is such FUN, so inclusive and genuinely shows what music making is
about. I wish NOFA could be everywhere to show children how much fun
music is.’
— Parent of NOFA member

How do I nominate a young musician?

  1. Meet with the nominee and explain what NOFA membership involves. It is important that the nominee understands that nomination does not guarantee membership. All nominations will be considered together to ensure we are working with young people from across the UK who will benefit from the opportunity the most. Please take a look at the nomination toolbox for letters and flyers you can share with young musicians.

  2. Speak to the nominee’s parent / guardian about the opportunity. Outline the commitment and ask for their consent to nominate the young person. Explain that you will be sharing details of the young person with us, and that we will be in touch with them directly if they are offered a provisional place. Please take a look at the nominator’s toolbox for letters you can send to parents / guardians.

  3. Speak the the budget holder. Discuss the possibility of contributing towards the nominees place in the orchestra with the person who controls the budget for these activities within your organisation. We understand that this won’t be possible for all nominating organisations/individuals, so if you are unable to donate, please contact the NOFA team and we can discuss alternative arrangements.

  4. Submit the nomination form before the deadline. The deadline for nominations is 12pm, Monday 2 March 2020.

Nominator’s toolbox

In order to help share this opportunity with the young people you work with and their parents and carers, we have put together some downloadable materials to help you spread the word, including letters for parents and young people, and flyers to print and share.

Any questions?

Get in touch! If you have any queries about the nomination process or the orchestra, please contact Steven Smith, NOFA Programme Manager:

By email:

By phone0207 267 4141

On Facebook:

On Twitter: @Orchestras4All #NOFA

On Instagram: @orchestrasforall